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Organic Samples Organic Voices Vol. 1歌剧主题人声音源

人声合唱 时尚音源网 1547浏览 0评论





Organic Samples is renowned for their colorful instruments. An inspiring resource of fluid legato solo voices, samples influenced by ethnic music and smart lightweight instruments.
We are delighted to report that Organic Samples is available exclusively at Orchestral Tools. Organic Samples is a series of creative instruments, that will be continued with many upcoming additions.

After years of sampling, programming and designing custom libraries, Organic Samples decided to make use of the knowledge to achieve some inspiring tools that could be used by anybody.

The goal of Organic Samples is to capture a set of actual performances which shouldn’t be altered by a bunch of effects or intensive programming. Once we recorded each single note (and, unlike many others, we don’t skip half steps!), we like to keep things minimal.

We’ve been taking the time it needed to record all the transitions of the entire soprano register properly in a medium-sized room.

Performed by Ekaterina Mamysheva
Extensive true legato sampling of the entire soprano register.
Exclusive “Tension builds” bonus patch to make chords from which all notes end up going to the same note.


  1. Solo Opera Legato (Main).nki
  2. Solo Opera Legato (Custom patch).nki
  3. Solo Opera Legato (Main) – Custom Mic Output Preset.nkm
  4. Solo Opera Legato (Tension Builds)
    Bonus patch to make chords from which all notes end up going to the same note!


下载价格: 人民币


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