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8Dio Greek Percussion KONTAKT希腊打击乐

打击音源 时尚音源网 1296浏览 0评论

格式KONTAKT 大小3.63GB


传统最长的国家之一是希腊,其具有可追溯到新石器时代(公元前7世纪至公元前4千年)的仪器。 8Dio希腊打击乐(+26.000个样本)包含各种美丽历史的希腊打击乐器,包括18“和22”道宝鼓,小型和大型Toubeleki鼓,22“Bendir鼓,Epirousian Tambourine,Rek Tambourine和额外的辅助打击乐。

Toubeleki,Touberleki,Goblet Drum,Tablah,Tarabuka,Darbuka,Debuka,Dumek或Dumbelek是中东,北非,南亚和东欧的基本打击之一。因为它是如此延伸和流行,
虽然分享技巧和演奏风格,声音非常不同 – 一个更丰富的高音,而另一个提供了很好的低音。

The Greek Percussion also comes with five different microphone options, including Contact Mic, Overhead, Close Mic, Semi Close and Room Microphones. The front and rear microphones give a unique perspective into the resonating body of the instrument – where as the overheads give you an upfront sound captured right outside the body of the instrument. The semi-close and room microphones are more ambient. So in essence you can dial in the exact microphone perspective needed for your composition.



下载价格: 人民币


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