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Wavesfactory Ukulele Strum DISCOVER 尤克里里扫弦音源

吉他贝士 时尚音源网 847浏览 0评论

大小:1 GB
适用平台:Windows/MAC OS
官方地址:http://www.wavesfactory.com/ukulele-strum. php

We sampled individual notes of an ukulele (the same instrument and recording settings than our last instrument Ukulele Strum) played with fingers. 4 velocity layers and 3 round robin (repetitions) per each velocity. All notes have been sampled, no pitch shifting. Apart from the notes, we also have sampled frets and release noises to get more realism.
If you liked ‘Ukulele Strum‘ you must have this, with both instruments you’ll have a powerful and versatile ukulele library to use in your tracks. Even you can use it to add tensions to the strummed chords, and you’ll get the same sound because it’s the same instrument/recording.
For Kontakt 3.5 or superior. Full version of Kontakt required, Kontakt Player (free) will run in demo mode.
Individual notes played with fingers.
Stereo WAV files 44.1 kHz 24 bits.
Full natural decay.
All notes sampled, no pitchshifting.
Recorded in stereo.
HQ mics, preamps and converters.
4 velocity layers.
3 round robin (repetitions).
For Kontakt 3.5.



下载价格:2 人民币


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