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Rare Signals Transatlantic Plate Reverb v1.2.0 PC板式混响

混响/延迟 时尚音源网 743浏览 0评论

软件格式:VST, AAX x64
大小: 76.92 MB

稀有信号在板混响插件中提供了一个新的标准,这些插件以欧洲和美国最好的模拟板为模型。具有 24 个独立的衰变设置,并混响未操纵的尾部,保留了实际模拟巨人的自然维持和立体声传播。(提供 AAX、VST 和音频单元。

是使最传奇的工作室混响板的绝对最好的娱乐,在1960和70年代在欧洲和美国生产。我们可以接触到这些 600 磅以上模拟巨人的最佳示例,以及一流的技术人员,让他们处于类似新的状态。板被调整和服务内部,并出优化性能,甚至在某些情况下超过原来的规格。我们实际上能够从我们的欧洲板块获得六秒的衰变时间…比原来的规格多整整一秒!

跨大西洋板混响的设计简单,作为最重要的功能。我们特意使控件的功能和布局尽可能直观。我们喜欢你可以马上开始使用它的想法…不滚动浏览手册的页面。话虽如此, 有一些功能有关自动化功能, 有关模式的细节和衰减属性…以及您可能感兴趣的 CPU 优化的一些提示。这些在手册中解释。



完美调谐的板衰变的方式有一些非常特别的东西。但是,对于某些插件制造商来说,操作建模过程中使用的冲动以在特定用户界面中具有数学意义的情况并不少见。此操作允许衰减控制设置精确(1 秒、1.5 秒、2 秒等)。在现实世界中处理模拟板时,衰变时间很难预测,更不用说完全均匀(价值上)。

操纵混响尾部以方便地放入用户界面听起来是错误的(字面意思)。您会注意到,跨大西洋板混响上的衰变时间反映了任何特定设置的真实衰变时间。在 EU/US 模式之间切换时,电流衰减设置将跳转到新模式下最接近的值。音质的结果远远超过在表盘上选择均匀数字的能力。

Transatlantic Plate Reverb
Rare Signals presents a new standard in Plate Reverb plug-ins modeled from the finest analog plates of Europe and The U.S. With 24 independent decay settings, and reverb tails that remain un-manipulated, preserving the natural sustain and stereo spread of the actual analog giants. (Available in AAX, VST, and Audio Units.)

Our Goal
was to make the absolute best recreations of the most legendary studio reverb plates that were produced in both Europe and in the USA in the 1960’s and 70’s. We had access to the finest possible examples of these 600+ lb analog giants as well as a top notch technical staff to get them in like-new condition. The plates were tuned and serviced inside, and out to optimize the performance and even surpass the original specs in some cases. We were actually able to acquire a six second decay time from our European plate…that’s a full second more than the original specification!

The Transatlantic Plate Reverb was designed with simplicity as a paramount feature. We deliberately made the functions and the layout of controls as intuitive as possible. We love the idea that you can begin using it right away…without scrolling through the pages of a manual. That being said, there are some functions regarding automation features, details about the modes and decay properties…as well as some tips for CPU optimization that might interest you. These are explained in the manual.

About The Reverb Tails

How reverb tails travel through space.

There is something very special about the way a perfectly tuned plate decays. However, it’s not uncommon for some plugin manufacturers to manipulate the impulses used in the modeling process to make sense mathematically in a certain user interface. This manipulation allows for decay control settings to be precise (1 sec., 1.5 sec., 2 sec. and so on). When dealing with an analog plate in the real world, decay times are hard to predict, let alone make perfectly even (value-wise).

Manipulating reverb tails to fit conveniently into a user interface just sounds wrong (literally). You’ll notice that the decay times on the Transatlantic Plate Reverb reflect the true decay time of any particular setting. When switching between the EU/US modes, the current decay setting will jump to the closest value in the new mode. The result in sound quality far outweighs the ability to select even numbers on a dial.



下载价格:5 人民币


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