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Prime Loops Electro Synth Sessions-电子合成器循环素材

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适用平台:Pc MAC

官网: https://www.producerloops.com/Download-Prime-Loops-Electro-Synth-Sessions.html

‘Electro Synth Sessions’带着一阵强劲的合成器循环,从Frederik Mooij的地板充填指尖新鲜出来! 弗雷德这次采取了极端的措施,追求轻松和利用绕线机来帮助构建这种强有力的,带电的行动的完全重要的命中

‘Electro Synth Sessions’ rolls in with a phat jolt of heavily energised synth loops, fresh from the floor-filling fingertips of Frederik Mooij! Fred has gone to extreme measures this time, chasing lightening and harnessing twisters to help construct this utterly essential hit of powerful, electrically-charged action.
So you’ve got the thundering beats but are missing the electronic sting of those lightning sharp synths? The solution is here. From the shifting, chopped-up twist of ‘Chills’ to the winding elevated groove of ‘Karma’ and the hyped-up thrust of ‘Nothing’, ‘Electro Synth Sessions’ builds an entrancing momentum before veering off in unexpected directions only to return to an intense build-up!  Packing multiple variations of each loop, this synth and bass library allows you to build up melodic layers to pack your tracks with analogue warmth. Striking your DAW with an incendiary 216 MB of Electro synth magic, this sound library will spark a shockwave through your mixes with over 200 individual files split across three folders. Select your sample from basslines, synth chord progressions or combined synth loops and drop it straight in to any major music making software. 
 These samples have been engineered to sync automatically with your mix, so the hard part is done for you! Tempo and key are displayed clearly in the file name and every sound arrives in amazing 24-Bit clarity! Shock tactics are a proven hit when it comes to mastering the sickest mixes, so ensure you’re making the right impact with the insanely addictive twists of ‘Electro Synth Sessions’! This one’s primed to fry the competition!



下载价格: 人民币


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