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Cinesamples Piano in Blue v2.3b KONTAKT蓝色钢琴 2

钢琴键盘 时尚音源网 1738浏览 0评论

大小:10.08 GB

We were provided a unique opportunity to preserve an important piece of musical history in its final days. Word had come to us that the historic Clinton Recording Studios in midtown Manhattan was forever closing its doors, destined to be transformed into a modern condominium complex. One of the many treasures contained therein was this particular Steinway Model D Concert Grand which used to live in the Columbia Records 30th Street Studios. The CBS 30th Street Studio, “The Church” was perhaps the most influential recording studio of the 50’s and 60’s producing dozens of legendary albums in various genres. Of those recordings this piano played a critical role in two albums which are still considered among the finest recordings of all time. First being the original Glenn Gould “Goldberg Variations,” the most critically received classical album of all time. Four years later came Miles Davis’ “Kind of Blue” which forever altered music.

WHAT’S NEW IN PIANO IN BLUE 2.3? Fixes for distorted tape samplesFixes for image shift issues
To download the v2.3 update:
Navigate to your User Area, scroll down to Piano in Blue and click “Manually Download”. Download the “Piano in Blue 2.3 Instrument zip” and move the new .nki into your Piano in Blue library folder where the old one lives.

我们得到了一个独特的机会, 在音乐史的最后几天保存了它的重要历史。有消息称, 曼哈顿市中心历史悠久的克林顿录音工作室将永远关闭其大门, 注定要转变为一个现代化的公寓综合体。其中包含的众多珍宝之一是这个特殊的施泰因威模型 d 音乐会盛大, 曾经住我

蓝色2.3 中的皮诺有什么新发现?修复扭曲的磁带采样修复图像移位问题
要下载 v2.3 更新:
导航到您的用户区域, 向下滚动到蓝色钢琴, 然后点击 “手动下载”。 下载 “钢琴在蓝色2.3 仪器拉链”, 并移动新的. nki 到您的钢琴蓝色图书馆文件夹中的旧的生活。



下载价格: 人民币


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