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Wavesfactory W-Honky KONTAKT钢琴音源

钢琴键盘 时尚音源网 1212浏览 0评论

W-Honky is our favourite instrument by de moment. It is the imitation of the “Mrs Mills” sound, a piano from Abbey Road Studios with which The Beatles, Elliot Smith, etc, recorded some of their tracks.

We’ve achieved this sound with the combination of two different sounds. One is a vertical piano (Kawai from 1984) mixed with a digitally processed metal sound for the attack. The signal is slightly detuned to achieve the honky tonk sound.

Sounds amazing to us, very usefull for the “old fashioned” piano songs and the beatlesque sound. This is the piano used in “Lady Madonna” (Beatles), “God” (John Lennon), Lost and found (Elliot Smith), and many others.

Manufacturer: Wavesfactory
Quality: 24 bit Frequency 44.1 kHz stereo channels



下载价格: 人民币


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