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Studio projects大振膜电容话筒 Studio B3 专业录音话筒 麦克风

麦克风 时尚音源网 1313浏览 0评论

市场价: 2784.00
本店价: 2320.00

Studio projects大振膜电容话筒 Studio B3

三种指向大震膜电容话筒纯金镀膜电容式.频率响应:20Hz-20kHz灵敏度:-37dB/-36dB/-35dB (0dB=1V/Pa at 1kHz)

The new Studio Projects B3 is the ultimate in large diaphragm condenser microphones at this price anywhere. This microphone has all the technical refinements to be an enduring classic . With features you would expect in a world class microphone, the B3 offers 3 recording pattern positions (cardioid, omni and a true figure eight) with -10dB and -20dB pads and Hi-Pass filter.

Equipped with a true 1in. 3 um gold sputtered dual gold large diaphragm in a pressure gradient transducer capsule, the B3 will ensure the finest quality of recordings while offering linear response and a classic deep rich sound. The B3 can be connected to any external microphone preamplifier or mixing console which provides 48-volt phantom power or via any 48-volt external power supply.

The B3 will compete favorably with microphones costing substantially more. If you’re looking for that traditional “German” sounding pedigree for your studio, but simply can’t or won’t spend the big dollars it takes to get it, then the Studio Projects B3 it the microphone for you. You can buy a pair and still save over $1,900.00!!! Think of what that can buy you!

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