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Embertone The Charmer KONTAKT 双簧管中东芦笛

民族音源 时尚音源网 1432浏览 0评论


Embertone The Charmer KONTAKT | 196.8MB



The Charmer is a unique and familiar little instrument in our arsenal. A middle-eastern, double reed shawm, with that beautiful, nasal tone, will be an asset to your collection! Whether you’re creating a score designed with middle eastern undertones, or you’re wishing to evoke a unique color to your music, THE CHARMER is up to the task…
We’ve been sampling these simple wind instruments for several years now, and we continue striving to make the performance simpler and smoother. Here we’ve tried something new that we think helps expedite the process of performing: velocity based legato control! Play overlapped notes at a low velocity, you’ll get an expressive slide between notes. Play at a normal velocity, the standard slur legato will result. If you play at a moderately high velocity, it will trigger tongued legato… and at the very highest level of velocity, ornaments!



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