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Bonkers Basslines – Electro House Samples

House 时尚音源网 815浏览 0评论


格式:WAV文件,Rex2和Apple Loops




超低音扬声器并将音量调高到11. Bonkers Basslines V1就在这里,它会让你的邻居感到不安。这些炙手可热的Electro House样品由才华横溢的制作人和声乐家’Silvabak’带给您,并且拥有严厉的HNO(Head Nod Overload)。

这些17首歌曲构建套件的重量仅为820 Mb,可满足您的需求,可满足人们的需求。我们包括低音合成器,主唱合成器,鼓,人声,吉他,FX等等。

Bonkers Basslines V1拥有290多个循环,为生产者提供了一个完全GURN-TASTIC的真正Electro House循环库。将这些小狗装入您选择的DAW中,您将立即混合一些生病的电子轨道。警告!这些低音线很大 – 使用极为谨慎。

在841Mb,’Bonkers Basslines’包含了一些严肃的打击,并为您提供了制作一些杀手级电子节拍所需的循环和样本。


速度范围从128到135 bpm。

Switch on your Sub Woofer and turn the volume up to 11. Bonkers Basslines V1 is here and it’s guaranteed to upset your neighbours. These sizzling hot Electro House samples are brought to you by the seriously talented producer and vocalist ‘Silvabak’ and boasts severe HNO (Head Nod Overload).

Weighing in at just over 820 Mb these 17 song construction kits provide all you need to fill the floor and get the crowds champing. We’ve included bass synths, lead synths, drums, vocals, guitars, FX and so much more.

With over 290 loops, ‘Bonkers Basslines V1‘ boasts a totally GURN-TASTIC arsenal of authentic Electro House loops for the producer in a hurry. Load these puppies into your DAW of choice and you’ll be mixing some sick electro house tracks in no time. WARNING! These bass lines are MASSIVE – use with extreme caution.

At 841Mb, ‘Bonkers Basslines’ packs some serious punch and gives you the loops and samples you need to make some killer electro house beats.

These powerful song making tools are so easy to use that you can build a wicked electro house track in minutes. That leaves you with plenty of time to lay down your own vocals, funk guitars or take things in your own direction. Download some free demo loops and try them on for size.

Tempos range from 128 to 135 bpm.



下载价格: 人民币


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