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Funk Rock Pop Drum Loops

Funk & Soul 时尚音源网 694浏览 0评论

大小:97Mb 速度70-160Bpm  99个循环

格式:WAV  Rex2  Apple Loops





This loop pack is like a “Swiss Army Knife” of drum loops, it’s got almost everything in there. From smooth and dry chillout drums to rock rhythms with a funky edge, this loop pack is the ideal toolbox for the producer that needs a mixed bag of sounds and styles. We’ve got rolls, fills, hi-hats and rides, brushes, blues, punk and more.

Make this your go-to drum loop pack for funk, rock or pop music production. Live acoustic drums recorded at high quality and ready to load into your DAW.

Tempos range from 70 to 160 bpm.

Here’s what you’ll get with ‘Funk, Rock, Pop Drum Loops‘:

  • 99 Wav file loops (Acidized)
  • 99 Apple Loops
  • 99 Rex2 file Loops

We squeezed all three genres of Funk,  Rock and Pop into this live acoustic drum loop pack to make your life as a producer easier. What’s more these come in Rex2, Apple Loops and WAV for your convenience.



下载价格: 人民币


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