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12 String Essentials V1

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节奏速度:80 – 125 Bpm
 文件数量:61 Loops
 文件大小:208 Mb

 Instant Download
 Windows Compatible
 Mac Compatible
 WAV Files, Rex2 and Apple Loops Included
 100% Royalty Free License Included

These beautifully melodic acoustic guitar loops were expertly played  using a new Washburn 12 String Jumbo acoustic guitar. We recorded the  performances into an AKG Solidtube Valve microphone for a lush warm  tone. These stunning guitar riffs and melodies offer you some seriously  cinematic textures with haunting tunes that should inspire your  creativity and add a pristine touch of class to your productions.

The demo loops consist of mixed loops that are layered. When you purchase this loop pack you’ll also get the raw unmixed loops which give you full control of the mix and depth of these stunning sounds as well as other riffs and melodies. These demos offer a small taste of the full loop pack and its capabilities. Tempos range from 80 bpm to 125 bpm.

Also check out our other 12 string acoustic guitar loop pack entitled Lush V1, which also features ambient female vocals and has over 668 mb of audio. Lush V1 offers 14 song ideas that include all of the guitars and vocals in separate files so that you can mix and match to your hearts desire.We’ve even included all of the separate vocal harmonies to give you full control of the mix.



下载价格: 人民币


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