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Samplephonics Dubstep Toolkit

D&B Dubstep 时尚音源网 753浏览 0评论

文件大小: 1.44 GB
官网试听: https://www.samplephonics.com/products/sample-packs/dubstep/dubstep-sample-toolkit

Introducing the first in of our new toolkit sample library series, ‘Dubstep Sample Toolkit’ contains a essential collection of loops, samples and sampler instrument presets, including modulating bass and lead sounds recorded straight from an Access Virus synth, beefed up one shot drum hits, MIDI file beats and corresponding wav loops, plus a collection of transitional and impact effects.

The sample pack has been designed to work as a fully functional toolkit, with everything you need to create dubstep and bass music. All hardware presets have been multisampled for ultra realistism and variety between notes, and all one shot drum kits have been arranged for easy sample playback through your favourite MIDI controller.

All sounds and samples are 100% royalty free, 24 bit wav, and come packaged with sampler instruments for EXS24, Kontakt, Reason NN-XT and Ableton Sampler for use in all major DAW’s. It’s time to get busy!

2,436 one shot samples, MIDI files, sampler instruments and drum loops
Sampler Isntruments for EXS24, Reason NN-XT, Ableton Sampler and Kontakt



下载价格: 人民币


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