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8Dio Free Angels KONTAKT 天使梦幻铺底音源

人声合唱 时尚音源网 2045浏览 0评论

8Dio Free Angels KONTAKT | 1.31 Gb

Free Angels is a new-generation art software instrument created in collaboration with our talented community. Free Angels was partially created by 100+ sound designers and partially created in-house by 8DIО. The instrument is best described as free and angelic in its nature. It has a white, soft and heavenly body. It is experiential and experimental – a type of divine inspiration.

Free Angels contains over 1.4GB of heavenly sound designs consisting of angelic ambiences, celestial risers, a large set of ethereal plucked instruments, fluffy creatures, heavenly hits, seraphic voices and a bunch of soft and saintly percussion. We didn’t structure the patches with normal patch names. The library is mainly using icons. It is not designed for the stringent and analytical composer, but rather for someone who wants to dive into the unknown and let themselves be randomly inspired by the heavenly concepts of the +100 people who submitted for the project.

Free Angels is not a conventional sample library. It is a little piece of art software – liberated from normal and orthodox conventions of how things should be. It is beautiful, wild and free. It is sorta like the Lady Gaga for sample libraries.



下载价格: 人民币


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