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Loopmasters Spinning House

House 时尚音源网 1571浏览 0评论

Loopmasters present Spinning House a brand new Royalty Free collection of House samples that focus on a Mainroom House style as spun by the current wave of popular EDM DJ’s as an alternative Deep and Driving set.  

Spinning house includes over 230 Loops and 228 One Shot samples neatly packaged into an inspiring collection of Grooving Beats, Deep Bass, Delicate Synths and Tingling Sound Effects that are perfect sample fodder for Mainroom House styles including Deep, Tech and Future.

Produced exclusively for Loopmasters by Rezone each sound and loop has been tweaked and processed through his incredible outboard gear including his SSL Channel Strip, Avalon VT747, Manley passive EQ, UAD-2 plugins.

In Detail expect to find 1.12Gb of 24Bit 44.1KHz loops and one shot sounds including 80 Bass Loops, 60 Music Loops, 50 Drum Loops, 50 Top Loops, 100 Drum Shots, 90 SFX Sounds, 20 Bass Shots, 18 Synth Hits, 242 Rex2 Files, 148 MIDI files and 53 Soft Sampler Patches.

The collection has also been formatted in Apple Loops, Reason Refill and Ableton Live pack which can be purchased separately.



下载价格: 人民币


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