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Cinesamples VOXOS v2.01 Epic Choirs KONTAKT

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大小: 26.2 GB

VOXOS: Epic Virtual Choirs is Cinesamples’ virtual choir instrument for professionals, containing a full epic choir, boys choir, soloists, an innovative phrase builder and the industry’s most realistic and powerful true legato engine.


Powered by the industry-leading Kontakt Player engine, VOXOS contains world-renowned choirs and soloists with over 15 years of experience recording for countless Hollywood films, trailers, video games and the concert stage. Recorded at the legendary Bastyr Chapel, with its gorgeous acoustics, the choirs were captured with multiple microphone positions in 24bit/48k 5.1 surround. The result is a pristine tone that sounds great right out of the box. VOXOS contains over 35,000 samples, at an uncompressed size of 35GB.


Featuring a newly recorded and mixed sample set, along with additional script improvements and features, the new and improved VOXOS 2 is such a substantial update we consider it a reboot of the library. Besides the multitude of patch and script fixes that enhance playability, VOXOS 2 now offers the ability to quantize your Phrase Builder performance, and adds another dynamic layer on top of it (FFF!). We’ve also introduced three brand new patches to the library- Chords, Octaves, and a fresh Solo Soprano.

Phrase Builder

•30 Syllable Matrix Editor
•Intuitive, performance-oriented scripting
•Staccatos, Sustains, Shouts, Whispers
•Dynamic morphing from p to fff
•4 Mic positions + Full Mix
•Section contains over 16,000 samples

The Phrase Builder is a powerful way of adding word syllables into a choir performance. VOXOS contains a 30 syllable selector matrix which allows you to quickly assemble multi-syllable phrases onto a grid. Each syllable will intelligently advance to the next syllable, based on your keyboard performance. If it’s a sustain, the Phrase Builder can also connect one syllable over many notes, in a melismatic way.


•Sopranos (Ah, Oo, p to ff)
•Altos (Ah, Oo, p to ff)
•Tenors (Ah, Oo, p to ff)
•Basses (Ah, Oo, p to ff)
•Boys Choir (Ah, Oo, p to ff)
•Solo Boy, Soprano and Alto
•Real transition samples for all intervals
•Innovative Voice Leading Engine (V.L.E.)
•4 Mic positions + Full Mix
•Section alone contains 17,000 samples

The Legato Sections contains true legato performances of Sopranos, Altos, Tenors, Basses, Boys Choir, Solo Boy, Solo Soprano and Solo Alto. Cinesamples has methodically recorded the tens of thousands of intervalic leaps within the ranges of each section. Their custom Legato script instantly analyses the keyboard performance and plays the appropriate interval sample. The result is an instrument that allows you to play smooth and emotional legato lines.
Built into Legato Sections is Cinesamples’ innovative Voice Leading Engine (V.L.E.). The V.L.E. allows you to play a full keyboard patch of S, A, T, B choir with independently moving legato lines. The engine instantly analyses the chord structure and assigns each pitch to its own section of the choir. The result: a patch that is easy to play, with incredibly realistic results.

Choir FX

•Trailer Risers (7 speeds)
•Tonal Diatonic Clusters (pp to fff)
•Atonal Clusters (pp to fff)
•1950 Sandman Choir (bum bum)
•Contains over 1,700 samples
•4 Mic positions + Full Mix

VOXOS contains over 500+ Choir Effects suitable for film, tv and game music. There are hundreds of shouts, whispers, grunts, clusters, screams and trailer risers, perfect for any media project.


The Chords patch is modeled after our popular CineOrch library, where each note plays an entire chord instead of an individual pitch class. The library divides the keyboard into six main sections:

The three sections on the left correspond to the major chords, while the three right sections will trigger the minor chords. The blue keys play the chords in their root position, the yellow keys play the chords in first inversion, and the red keys play the second inversion of the chords.

The Octaves patch is not unlike the patch from our Hollywoodwinds library, where we recorded all sections performing in octaves simultaneously. This patch covers two full octaves of all sections singing the same triggered pitch class.

By default, the samples will react to CC1 and CC2, with the former controlling the dynamics, and the latter changing the vowels between Ooh and Ah. This, like the other patches, can be changed from the [Settings] tab.

The New Solo Soprano Patch
We have recorded an all new solo soprano for the VOXOS 2 update. Unlike the VOXOS v1.2 Solo Soprano, we have included multiple new features for this patch.
We recorded both the sustains and the shorts for the Solo Soprano New patch. Also, the sustains now respond to CC2 which allows you to move between vibrato and non-vibrato layers. We have also included the Poly Legato function in case you wish to use this patch for multiple voices. Like in the Legato Sections patch, we included the [VLE Settings] button in case you wish to tweak the Voice Leading Engine parameters for multiple voice lines.

Solo Soprano Legacy, Solo Boy Legacy, Women Bum Bums
The last three patches of VOXOS 2 come from the old VOXOS 1.2 library. The three patches are the Solo Soprano Legacy patch, the Solo Boy Legacy patch, and the Women Bum Bums patch.


•01: Phrase Builder
•02: Legato Sections
•03: Boys Choir
•04: Clusters and Textures
•05: Rises, Stabs, and Screams
•06: Chords
•07: Octaves
•08: Solo Soprano New
•09: Solo Soprano Legacy
•10: Solo Boy Legacy
•11: Women Bum Bums



VOXOS 由业界领先的 Kontakt Player 引擎提供动力,拥有世界知名的合唱团和独奏家,拥有超过 15 年的录制经验,可录制无数好莱坞电影、预告片、视频游戏和音乐会舞台。在传奇的巴斯蒂尔教堂录制,其华丽的音响效果,合唱团被捕获与多个麦克风位置在24位/48k 5.1环绕。结果是一个原始的基调,听起来很棒开箱即用。VOXOS 包含超过 35,000 个样本,未压缩大小为 35GB。


具有新记录和混合的示例集,以及额外的脚本改进和功能,新的和改进的VOXOS 2是这样一个重大的更新,我们认为它是一个重新启动库。除了大量增强可玩性的修补程序和脚本修复外,VOXOS 2 现在还提供量化短语生成器性能的功能,并在其顶部添加另一个动态层 (FFF!我们还向图书馆推出了三个全新的补丁-和弦、八度和新鲜的独奏女高音。


30 音节矩阵编辑器

*圣塔托, 持续, 呼喊, 低语
•从 p 到 fff 的动态变形
*4 麦克风位置 + 完全混合
*部分包含超过 16,000 个样本

短语生成器是向合唱团表演中添加词节的强大方式。VOXOS 包含一个 30 个音节选择器矩阵,允许您将多音节短语快速组装到网格上。根据您的键盘性能,每个音节都会智能地前进到下一个音节。如果是维持,短语生成器还可以以一种融合方式将一个音节连接到多个音符上。


*女高音(啊,Oo,p 到 ff)
*阿尔托斯 (啊, Oo, p 到 ff)
*天音(啊,Oo,p 到 ff)
*巴塞斯(啊,Oo,p 到 ff)
*男孩合唱团(啊,Oo,p 到 ff)
*4 麦克风位置 + 完全混合
*仅截面包含 17,000 个样本

Legato 部分包含真正的女高音、阿尔托、特诺、低音、男孩合唱团、独唱男孩、独奏女高音和独奏阿尔托的真正的拉加托表演。Cine 样本有条不紊地记录了每个部分范围内数以万计的间隔跳跃。他们的自定义 Legato 脚本可立即分析键盘性能并播放适当的间隔示例。结果是一个仪器,让你发挥流畅和情感的法轮线。
内置在Legato部分是Cine示例的创新语音领先引擎(V.L.E.)。V.L.E. 允许您使用独立移动的 legato 线条播放 S、A、T、B 合唱团的全键盘补丁。发动机会立即分析弦结构,并将每个音调分配给其自己的合唱团部分。结果:一个补丁,很容易发挥,与令人难以置信的现实的结果。


•拖车立立器(7 速)
*音调硅藻簇(pp 到 fff)
•视点簇(pp 到 fff)

1950 桑曼合唱团 (流浪汉)

•包含超过 1,700 个样本
*4 麦克风位置 + 完全混合

VOXOS 包含超过 500 多种适合电影、电视和游戏音乐的合唱效果。有数以百计的呼喊,耳语,咕咕声,集群,尖叫和拖车上升,非常适合任何媒体项目。





默认情况下,样本将响应 CC1 和 CC2,前者控制动态,后者更改 Ooh 和 Ah 之间的元音。与其他修补程序一样,可以从 [设置] 选项卡更改此设置。

独奏女高音遗产, 独奏男孩遗产, 妇女流浪汉
VOXOS 2 的最后三个补丁来自旧的 VOXOS 1.2 库。这三个补丁是独奏女高音遗产补丁,独奏男孩遗产补丁,和妇女Bum Bums补丁。


01: 短语生成器

02: 勒加托部分

03: 男孩合唱团

04: 聚类和纹理

05: 上升、 刺伤和尖叫

06: 和弦

07: 八度

08: 独奏女高音新

09: 独奏女高音遗产

10: 独奏男孩遗产

11: 妇女流浪汉



下载价格:8 人民币


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