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Modwheel Mystichord KONTAKT

综合音源 时尚音源网 699浏览 0评论

之所以出现Mystichord,是因为鲜为人知的先驱Milan Guertzig博士偶然发现了鲜为人知的Empyrean物理学领域中与勘探和研究有关的材料。


MODWHEEL对ShapedNoise的Kirke Godfrey对Mystichord所做的巨大贡献,出色的技术支持和全面的Beta测试表示感谢。

MYSTICHORD – Transmissions from the Outer Reach and Resonant mysteries from beyond the sphere. 21 Patches of mind blending transcendence from alphaville to dreamville exploring the furthest dimensions of inner and outer space.
Mystichord came about as a result of the chance discovery of materials related to the exploration and investigation in the little known field of Empyrean Physics by the even littler known pioneer Dr. Milan Guertzig.
Among the materials were several tapes of what purports to be actual recordings captured by Guertzig on his psychogenic voltaic accumulator a device apparently enabling him to pick up and amplify sounds and signals far beyond the realms of normal time and space to the extent he claimed he was even able to eavesdrop on the “other” side.
Guertzig faded into obscurity, shunned by the scientific and spiritualist communities alike, and when fire destroyed the sanitorium where he had had his laboratory it was thought all his research went with it.
But there were those (well one or two anyway) who believed and when the rediscovered recordings came into our hands we felt it was time the world learned the true truth.
Mystichord looks and behaves somewhat like a vintage organ with drawbar/faders introducing layers of sound plus various effects thus offering a broad range of tones in each patch.
Mystichord comes with 21 patches loaded with different sounds and each patch has a folder of snapshot presets (213 separate snapshots) enabling quick and easy selections that can be used as is or as starting points for your own explorations .
24bit 48k samples
160 Samples weighing in at 1.050GB
MODWHEEL owes a huge debt of gratitude to Kirke Godfrey at ShapedNoise for his enormous contribution to Mystichord, his fine technical assistance and his thorough beta testing.



下载价格:2 人民币


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