系统要求:64位WIN 7或更高系统,最少4GNB内存,推荐8GB或更高内存;MAC
Building on the legacy of its predecessor, Superior Drummer 3 was redesigned from the ground up to introduce a completely new and improved workflow, integrated drum audio to MIDI conversion, 35 mixer effects, scalable interface, detachable windows, a comprehensive MIDI library and much, much more. Welcome to the future of drum production.
Superior Drummer 3 is more than a drum production tool – it’s a virtual studio introducing endless possibilities for you to hone, shape and mold your drums without any thinkable creative restraints.
The core sound library, boasting in excess of 230 GB of raw sound material, was recorded by award-winning engineer George Massenburg at probably the world’s most quiet and ideal location for sampling, the Galaxy Studios in Belgium. In addition to close microphones and several ambience positions, the Superior Drummer 3 setup also includes an additional eleven room microphones set up in a surround configuration, for use in anything from stereo all the way up to 11.1 systems. In combination with the large selection of extra instruments as well as the included pool of electronic drum machine sounds added for stacking and sound design purposes, Superior Drummer 3 gives you an incomparable palette of options to craft drum tones beyond your wildest imagination.
The idea with Superior Drummer 3 is to let you step into a virtual studio with the best possible raw material and mix options at your disposal to create your drum sounds. With Superior Drummer 3, you are in control. Take a seat at the console to hone, mold, shape, mix, match, blend, saturate and create – on your terms.
Superior Drummer 3 is a complete drum production studio and the ultimate framework for creative sound design.
The sound library is configured in six (6) convenient download packages.
- “Software” (approx. 230 MB) 壳子230M
- “Basic Sound Library” (approx. 40 GB) 基础采样 40G
- “Room” (approx. 46 GB) 房间采样 46G
- “Surround 1” (approx. 43 GB) 环绕采样1 43G
- “Surround 2” (approx. 52 GB) 环绕采样2 52G
- “Bleed” (approx. 54 GB) 串音采样 54G
7。音色库升级与midi Library Update V1.0.1 与Core MiDi 100 V1.0.0 WiN/MAC 141MB
核心声音图书馆,以超过230 GB的原始声音材料,被获奖工程师乔治·马斯森伯格(George Massenburg)录制,可能是世界上最安静、最理想的采样地点——比利时的银河工作室。除了关闭麦克风和多个ambience的位置外,卓越的鼓手3设置还包括一个额外的11个房间的麦克风,安装在一个环绕的配置中,从立体声一直到11.1系统。结合大量额外的仪器,以及包含的电子鼓机的声音,增加了码垛和音响的设计目的,卓越的鼓手3给你一个无与伦比的调色板,在你最狂野的想象之外制造鼓的音调。
全部重新录制的采样! ! !
声音库下载分为5部分。最小安装尺寸约为41 GB。以下是声音库的具体下载。声音库下载必须按顺序安装。
2:“基本音色库”(所有仪器,所有的工具和在靠近麦克风的所有关节,OH强啡肽和大使丝带出血在小鼓底部(踢和汤姆斯)。 (约40GB)。
3:“房间麦克1”(室内麦克生生风的其余部分:OH Cond,Amb Near,Amb Mid)(约46 GB)
4:“Room Mics 2 – Surround(5 ch)”(额外的麦克风实现5.0环绕,前置L / R,中心和环绕声L / R)(约43 GB)
5:“房间麦克风3 – 高度环绕(6 ch)”(额外的麦克风实现11.0环绕声,前高度,后身高度和后身宽度)(约52 GB)
6:“额外出血”(近距离麦克风的其余部分)(约54 GB)
7。音色库升级与midi Library Update V1.0.1 与Core MiDi 100 V1.0.0 WiN/MAC 141MB
转载请注明:现代时尚音源网 » Toontrack Superior Drummer 3 v3.3.7 PC/MAC 超级鼓手3 (含完整230GB音色)