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Impact Soundworks Shreddage 3.5 Precision v2.0.6 KONTAKT经典电贝斯

吉他贝士 时尚音源网 90浏览 0评论

大小:3.58 GB


粉碎3精度被创建为终极,多功能的虚拟低音。能够在任何流派发挥,与所有技术一个真正的贝斯手使用。我们花了几个月的时间规划完美的乐器和录音设置:贝斯手托尼·迪金森(西伯利亚交响乐团)使用高端的、美国5弦的p-bass用扁平的琴弦演奏所有样品,获得美丽而细致的声音。全模拟 UA_610 DI 用于进一步增强每个音符的温暖和饱满度。

对于核心游戏技巧,我们捕捉手指,挑选,并拍打打了很多动态和循环。再加上敲击,爆裂声,锤上/拉下,幻灯片,嗡嗡声颤音,谐波,结果是一个超级可玩的仪器,可以处理几乎任何你扔在它。无论您是在写摇滚、金属、流行音乐、滑稽、爵士乐还是蓝调,碎纸机 3 精度都可以融入任何组合中。

当然,该仪器还包括与所有粉碎 3 仪器相同的伟大的引擎功能:高度逼真的虚拟低音引擎(具有多种摩擦和性能算法)、控制台模块化 FX 机架和 TACT 2.0 选项卡,用于完全可自定义的铰接映射。它还完全NKS兼容科姆普莱特康特罗和马辛用户。


控制台:模块化 FX 机架和混合器


使用控制台,您可以轻松地保存和加载项目之间的外汇链或预设,甚至不同的粉碎 3 产品。它还允许您混合和混合吉他拾取器之间,自定义插入每个,如果你想。


碎纸机 3 精密控制台

总铰接控制技术 (TACT) 2.0
粉碎 3 精度包括 TACT 的更新版本,允许您自定义如何映射和触发所有铰接!每个人都有自己的喜好,如何执行或写虚拟吉他,并与TACT,你可以为您的DAW创建完美的设置。

在此处下载 TACT 2.0 手册以了解更多信息!

碎纸机 3 精密 TACT UI

The most classic electric bass is at your fingertips! Recorded in impeccable detail with 5 flatwound strings and a warm analog signal path, Shreddage 3 Precision features fingered, picked, and slapped playing, plus a plethora of other core bass techniques. An incredibly versatile bass for any genre of music!

Library Overview
Shreddage 3 Precision was created to be the ultimate, versatile virtual bass. capable of playing in any genre, with all the techniques a real bassist uses. We spent months planning the perfect instrument and recording setup: bassist Tony Dickinson (Trans-Siberian Orchestra) performed all the samples using a high-end, American 5-string p-bass with flatwound strings for a beautiful, detailed sound. An all-analog UA|610 DI was used to further enhance the warmth and fullness of every note.

For core playing techniques, we captured fingered, picked, and slapped playing with lots of dynamics and round-robins. Add to that tapping, pops, hammer-on/pull-off, slides, buzz trills, and harmonics, and the result is a super playable instrument that can handle nearly any riff you throw at it. Whether you’re writing rock, metal, pop, funk, jazz, or blues, Shreddage 3 Precision can fit in any mix.

Of course, this instrument also includes the same great engine features as all Shreddage 3 instruments: a highly-realistic virtual bassist engine (with multiple fretting and performance algorithms), the Console modular FX rack, and TACT 2.0 tab for totally customizable articulation mapping. It’s also fully NKS Compatible for Komplete Kontrol & Maschine users.

Welcome to the next generation of virtual bass instruments!

Console: Modular FX Rack and Mixer
Console is our new mixer, modular effects rack, and pedal board, designed to give you full control over your virtual guitar tone. Unlike our previous FX racks, which were limited to a small amount of preset modules, Console gives you 30 effects modules to choose from!

These include multiple EQs (digital and analog-style), compressors, spatial FX, modulation FX, amps, distortion pedals, reverbs, and a selection of over 30 custom cabinet IRs recorded just for Shreddage 3! These cabs cover all the most important sounds you would want, with both dynamic & condenser mics in multiple positions plus a ribbon mic for certain models.

Using Console, you can easily save and load FX chains or presets between projects or even different Shreddage 3 products. It also allows you to mix and blend between guitar pickups, with custom inserts on each if you’d like.

Download the Console manual here to learn more!

Shreddage 3 Precision Console

Total Articulation Control Technology (TACT) 2.0
Shreddage 3 Precision includes an updated version of TACT, allowing you to customize how all articulations are mapped and triggered! Everyone has their own preferences for how to perform or write for virtual guitar, and with TACT you can create the perfect setup for your DAW.

Download the TACT 2.0 manual here to learn more!

Shreddage 3 Precision TACT UI



下载价格: 人民币


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