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Hip Hop Bass – Def Grooves

Hip Hop 时尚音源网 765浏览 0评论

大小:46Mb 速度80-100 Bpm  51个循环

格式:WAV  Rex2  Apple Loops


试听: https://www.platinumloops.com/downloads/hip-hop-bass-guitar-loops-def-grooves/

Drop these live bass guitar samples in your Hip Hop beats and you’ve got instant funk. Picked, plucked and edited to perfection. These loops work in pretty much any DAW.

If your writing and producing modern hip hop beats, you can’t afford NOT to have these essential live bass guitar loops for Hip Hop and Rap music. Mix these with some of our hip hop drum loops and our gangsta licks guitar loops and you’ll be cranking out some hot hip hop tracks in record time. From finger plucked grooves to picked out patterns these live bass loops are the ideal hip hop producers companion. Tempos range from 85 to100 Bpm.

Here’s what you’ll get with ‘Hip Hop Bass Guitar Loops’:

  • 62 Wav file loops (Acidized)
  • 62 Apple Loops
  • 62 Rex2 file Loops

‘Def Grooves’ is a collection of smokin HOT live bass guitar samples for Hip Hop and funk. Performed by real bassists and 100% royalty free. Download some free demo loops right now.



下载价格: 人民币


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