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Hip Hop Guitar Loops – Gangsta Licks

Hip Hop 时尚音源网 759浏览 0评论

大小:54Mb 速度75-100 Bpm  74个循环

格式:WAV  Rex2  Apple Loops





这些拉出来的吉他循环和舔声听起来就像他们属于Snoop轨道混合在一个phat嘻哈节拍。从清洁和挑选的即兴重复段到哇哇效果舔,这些黑帮吉他循环正是您需要为您的轨道添加时髦,新鲜,皮条客质量。Tempos范围从75到100 Bpm。

Make your hip hop and RnB tracks hotter than ever with these live hip hop guitar loops and samples.

These pimped out guitar loops and licks sound like they belong in Snoop track mixed over a phat hip hop beat. From clean and picked riffs to wah effect licks, these gangsta guitar loops are just what you needed to add that funky, fresh, pimp quality to your tracks. Tempos range from 75 to 100 Bpm.

Here’s what you’ll get with ‘Hip Hop Guitar Loops – Gangsta Licks‘:

  • 74 Wav file loops (Acidized)
  • 74 Apple Loops
  • 74 Rex2 file Loops

Live Hip Hop guitar loops can make all the difference to your beats. Download some right now and feed your beats the best sounds.



下载价格: 人民币


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