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Human Beatbox Loops

Vocals 时尚音源网 863浏览 0评论


文件格式:WAV Files, Rex2 and Apple Loops Included
节奏速度:60-150 Bpm
文件数量:52 Loops
文件大小:27 Mb

Give your beats the human edge with these human beat box samples and feed your beats today.

We caved in to demand from our customers and finally created these superb “Human Beatbox” loops. Using drum samples created purely by human mouths, these sequenced beats offer you the quantized accuracy you need for modern production while still retaining that human “live” feel.

Ideally suited for Hip Hop and Pop music these punchy percussive loops have an organic warmth that makes them stand out in your tracks. Tempos range from 60 to 150 Bpm



下载价格: 人民币


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