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Light and Sound Concert Grand 1.14 KONTAKT 音乐会大钢琴

钢琴键盘 时尚音源网 1144浏览 0评论

大小:24.6 GB

Concert Grand
Product Overview
This Steinway C piano was hand picked by Elmer Bernstein (while composing the score for ‘My Left Foot’) from the Steinway factory in Hamburg. Word spread across the industry and it soon made a name for itself as an exceptional sounding piano. Nowadays, many artists will record at Windmill Lane specifically to use this piano.

Artists who have performed on this piano include Elvis Costello, David Bowie, Van Morrison, R.E.M, Ben Folds, The Rolling Stones and Lady Gaga.

The Steinway C
The famous Steinway C in Studio One, Windmill Lane – recorded in the Concert position.

12 Mic choices (1 Stereo Mix)
From 17 of the worlds finest microphones, Debbie Smith’s engineering expertise shines over 12 mic choices designed to fit any genre of music.

String Resonance Tracking
A special custom script tracks the resonance of each string and will adjust sounding notes appropriately, improving realism and optimizing CPU usage.

Pedal Resonance
Sampled pedal down resonance can be adjusted to your liking; we also support repedalling, sympathetic resonance repedalling and continuous repedalling (repedalling of another repedal).

True Releases
Sampled releases have been carefully sampled and can be adjusted and disabled based on personal preference.

Sympathetic Resonance
Sympathetic resonance occurs when you hold down a note and play another note that shares a harmonic or fundamental. This is supported up to 16 notes in the harmonic series (both up and down).

The User Interface

We spent a great deal of time creating the easiest to use interface possible, while introducing the new “Calibrate” feature, which will help ensure you get as close to the original experience of playing this beautiful piano as possible.

System Requirements:

  • Full version of Kontakt 5.7.3+
  • 24GB Disk space required (48GB required during installation)
  • Minimum 4GB RAM (8GB Recommended)
  • Intel® i5 2.2GHz+ or equivalent

这款斯坦威 c 型钢琴是埃尔默伯恩斯坦 (同时为汉堡的斯坦威工厂创作 “我的左脚” 的乐谱) 手工挑选的。消息传遍了整个行业, 它很快就成为一个特殊的冠冕堂皇的钢琴自己的名字。如今, 许多艺术家将记录在风车巷专门使用这种钢琴。
曾在这款钢琴上表演过的艺术家包括猫王科斯特洛、大卫·鲍伊、范·莫里森、r. e. m、本·福兹、滚石和嘎嘎夫人。

施泰因威 c
著名的斯坦威 c 在演播室一, 风车巷-记录在音乐会的位置。

12米选择 (1 立体声混音)
从17个世界上最好的麦克风, 黛比·史密斯的工程专业知识闪耀着12个麦克风的选择, 旨在适应任何类型的音乐。

一个特殊的自定义脚本跟踪每个字符串的共振, 并将适当调整声音音符, 提高真实感和优化 CPU 使用率。

采样踏板向下共振可以调整到您的喜好;我们也支持重复、交感神经共振和连续重复 (重复另一个重复)。

采样版本已仔细采样, 可以根据个人喜好进行调整和禁用。

交感神经共振发生时, 你按住一个音符, 并发挥另一个音符, 共享一个谐波或基本。在谐波系列中最多支持16个音符 (向上和向下)。


我们花了大量的时间创建最简单的使用界面可能, 同时介绍了新的 “校准” 功能, 这将有助于确保您获得尽可能接近发挥这款美丽的钢琴的原始体验。


-孔塔克特5.7.3 的完整版

-24GB 所需磁盘空间 (安装过程中需要 48GB)

-最小4GB 内存 (推荐 8GB)

-英特尔®i5 2.2 ghz + 或同等



下载价格: 人民币


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