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Strezov Sampling Rogue KONTAKT小号独奏

铜管音源 时尚音源网 1574浏览 0评论


资源大小:300 MB

适用平台:Pc MAC


这是一个简单但非常有效的FFF动态小号独奏的图书馆,由大师trumpeter Peter Makedonski扮演的乐队和保加利亚索非亚会议广播交响乐团第一把交椅。



ROGUE is a simple yet very effective fff-dynamic solo trumpet library, played by master trumpeter Peter Makedonski, first chair of Sofia Session Orchestra and Bulgarian Radio Orchestra.

ROGUE fills a gap in the market of orchestral instruments as a dry, flexible and screaming trumpet, capable of accenting and boosting orchestral arrangements (as well as jazz material, where the molto vibrato can come in handy).

The micing of ROGUE is a mix of room mics and a spot mic, which gives it a present, yet roomy tone. The trumpet is also recorded in position (a bit to the right). These two factors allow Rogue to be placed into an orchestral mix and environment with great ease, while the faux dynamics (lo-pass plus mod wheel filter) allow you to give the illusions of dynamics within the context of a musical piece.

Non vibrato sustains, 1 rr
Molto vibrato sustains, 1 rr
Sfz-decrescendos, 2 rr
Staccatos, 10 rr



下载价格: 人民币


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