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Sonixinema Superball For KONTAKT合成大鼓

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官网试听及演示介绍:https://www.sonixinema.com/products/superball 拉到下方有音频试听


Superball is the first in our brand new range of sample libraries, The Experiments. Using custom Superball friction mallets we created a collection of innovative evolving percussion samples featuring a unique ensemble of instruments such as Orchestral Bass Drums, Taikos, Timpani, Gongs and Thunder Sheets.

For this library we teamed up with percussionist Joby Burgess, who is known for his virtuosic performances across blockbusters such as Black Panther, Mission Impossible, Alien and many more. The library was recorded by Emmy nominated engineer Nick Wollage, who has recorded iconic soundtracks such as Solo: A Star Wars Story, Wonder Woman, How to Train Your Dragon and countless others.

This library requires the FULL version of Kontakt 5.7.0 +



下载价格: 人民币


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