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Sonokinetic Carousel KONTAKT 游乐场风琴

钢琴键盘 时尚音源网 1981浏览 0评论

“Carousel” a fairground barrel organ. This library will give you full access to an original authentic Carousel barrel organ to compose your music with. Without hiring a music role producer, renting and evacuating a fun fair, cleaning the steam engines of excessive noise, pitching the organ and endlessly riding the Carousel. Just load up your Kontakt 4 in 64 bit, set your voice polyphony to 300 and off you go.
With this instrument we’ve gone the whole nine yards and tried to capture it’s unique original distinctive sound. And in post production we spend a lot of time editing pitch, acoustics and tune to come up with an instrument patch that captures your imagination, takes you straight into the funfair and is easy to handle inside your DAW.

The instrument patch goes with the proven effective Sonokinetic kontakt tab configuration. Covering all ten registers, the percussion set, an acoustic perfect impulse response unit and an ingenious sample mapping solution to map all registers including the percussion on a 76 master keyboard range. Deep scripting of this instrument patch makes it perform like the real thing. Register knobs and stops are added for single play or tutti with or without percussion.
Our motto “Original, Effective, Intensive and Affordable” is written all over this Sonokinetic production.



下载价格: 人民币


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