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Sonokinetic EMP Mark II KONTAKT电钢音源

钢琴键盘 时尚音源网 1142浏览 0评论

The electro mechanical piano has been sampled over and over, so why do
it again? One reason is because each one has its own specific sound, and
this one, the Mark 2, has been overlooked by many other companies, while
it has a distinctive sound that especially comes to life in soulful
ballads, but also holds its own in more upbeat music styles. Another
reason is that, for all the work that? has been put into recreating
this kind of instrument, playing the real thing always tickles us in a
way that the sampled counterpart just doesn急. So what is the big dif-
ferentiator? We think much lies in the imperfection of a real instru-
ment and that’s what we tried to capture in this sampled EMP.



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