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Analogue Drums Royale WAV TRIGGER KONTAKT 模拟鼓音源

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Analogue Drums Royale WAV TRIGGER KONTAKT | 2.39 Gb

Royale is a vintage jazz kit played with mallets. Based around a mint ’70s Rogers kit with select vintage Paiste and Zildjian cymbals, Rogers Dynasonic, Ludwig and Gretsch snares. Royale delivers a toneful foundation for jazz and other genres, and is versatile enough to handle everything from delicate parts to raucous beats. The mix of the kit can be taken from crisp and intimate through to roomy and spacious with a few fader adjustments.


Multi-sampling: each kit component contains up to 7 velocity layers for expressive detail, dynamics and realism – check the details at the bottom of this page.

Round-robin: natural performance with 6x round-robin hits for every zone.

Switchable instruments: 4x kick variations, 2x tom variations, 2x swappable hihats and 2x rides.

Mic layers: 6x individually controllable mic layers: Close mics, Overheads, Two room mics, Kick Sub, and Snare-Bottom

eKit mode switch to ‘eKit’ mode when using a Roland V-Drum kit, or leave set to ‘Keyboard mode’ for direct MIDI sequencing. The layout is General MIDI (GM) compatible.

Output routing: stereo and multi-channel output versions provided.

Dynamic Range control: increase the sensitivity of the kit for more intricate and subtle performances or leave it set to full dynamic range for heavier tracks.



下载价格: 人民币


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