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Aria Sounds Cellist Solo Cello KONTAKT咏叹调独奏大提琴

弦乐音源 时尚音源网 1497浏览 0评论

Aria Sounds Cellist Solo Cello KONTAKT | 946.6 MB

Aria’s “Cellist”is a wonderfully sampled solo cello, designed for Kontakt 5 and above, and the first to come of our VST strings. It comes complete with three true dynamic levels, each with up to four round robins, giving a staggering twelve true variations pernote! On top of this, we have programmed an up-bow, down-bow alternation for as natural a sound to the instrument as possible. Also included in this instrument pack are staccato/short notes, pizzicato notes, and tremolos.

We have also carefully recorded each note with the player working the vibrato in strategically. As a result in this, the cello can be played in fast passages without un-natural sounding vibrato occuring on each note, and then also play slower passages with longer notes and legato, and have the vibrato really come through on the instrument.Crossfading between dynamics is possible by using the mod wheel.
The string instruments all give off different parts of their tone via different sections of the body, and each instrument is different. Then there is the room, finding the best place in the room or hall to place the instrument to record, and then placing the mics to capture all the best bits, and gluing them together to make the best possible Kontakt instrument we can, and we certainly believe that we have done this with the solo cello here!



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