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AudioThing Strings KONTAKT合成音响

民族音源 时尚音源网 1276浏览 0评论

Strings is a collection of sampled string instruments ported from our homonymic sampleset for iZotope Iris. This soundset includes synths, pads, soundscapes, drones, and many effects derived from strings samples. The sampled instruments were a Tenayo AutoHarp, a Romanian Toy Harp, a Baton Rouge Soprano Ukulele, a Chinese Violin, and a Squier Bass. The modulation wheel is assigned to different parameters in each patch.
50 Kontakt Instruments (.nki)
50 Samples (44.1kHz / 24Bit)
Size: 158 MB
Formats: Kontakt and WAV
Sample sets including: autoharp, toy harp, ukulele, bowed violin, bass



下载价格: 人民币


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