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Fluffy Audio – My Vibes KONTAKT颤音(铁) 琴

民族音源 时尚音源网 616浏览 0评论

With 3 different mallets, 2 mic positions, 6 layers for short articulations,
and 3x round robin, it is one of the most accurate vibraphone libraries ever.
The user-friendly interface allows you to customize the sound of the vibraphone
to fit in different musical contexts.

Something about the Playing Mode feature:
When we were working on My Vibes we realized that a real vibraphone just doesn’t
play as a piano keyboard. When the pedal is up the notes are short, when the
pedal is down the notes are long. There’s no way to keep a single note long and
the others short, like in a piano.
In My Vibes you have this additional feature. In real mode My Vibes reacts like
a real vibraphone, while in piano-like mode you can play the vibraphone like a
piano. To keep notes long you don’t have to keep the pedal down, you just need
to keep the keys pressed.



下载价格:5 人民币


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