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Big Fish Audio QUAKE Cinematic Taiko电影太极鼓

Cinematic 时尚音源网 426浏览 0评论

资源格式: WAV, REX2
资源大小:996.2 MB
适用平台:Pc MAC
如果说有什么东西是强大的电影制作所需要的,那就是Taiko。QUAKE利用了Taiko鼓所感受到的史诗般的声音和力量。总容量为1.69 GB(657.3 MB的24位酸化WAV),390个原始循环,速度从65 BPM到150 BPM不等,您将拥有一系列爆炸性的现成电影太极循环。
If there is anything that’s needed for powerful cinematic production, it’s the Taiko.QUAKE harnesses the epic sound and power that is felt through the Taiko drum. With 1.69 GB of total content (657.3 MB of 24-bit acidized WAVs), 390 original loops, and tempos ranging from 65 BPM to 150 BPM, you’ll have an aresenal of explosive ready-to-go cinematic taiko loops.



下载价格: 人民币


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