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Big Fish Audio Things That Go Bump In The Night Vol. 1

Electro 时尚音源网 250浏览 0评论

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太神奇了。。。太可怕了!Things That Go Bump In The Night邀请了我们这个时代的十位顶级声音设计师和电子音乐艺术家,包括Atom Heart、Robert Rich、Sliver、Thomas Schobel和control-X。一流的声音设计,具有丰富、黑暗的暗流——包括脉冲星数据、专有的合成引擎、令人难以置信的处理效果、音调和打击循环、渐强、环境床等等!“完美的10……充满了异国情调的声音,它们几乎从CD托盘中渗出。”-键盘“如果你想在样品CD、音效库和通过一些昂贵的似乎着火的外置设备进行激烈的旅行之间寻找融合,请看看这一个。”-声音之声音调循环音调循环凹槽维度循环音调节奏循环短循环周期重复人声事件短点击长点击分析合成点击持续声音:静态音调持续声音:可变音高持续声音:Lumpy持续声音:低频持续声音:同源持续声音:噪声数据转换
So amazing… it’s frightening! Things That Go Bump In The Night features ten of the top sound designers and electronic music artists of our time- Including Atom Heart, Robert Rich, Sliver, Thomas Schobel and control-X. Top-notch sound design with a rich, dark undercurrent– comprised of pulsar data, proprietary synth engines, incredible processed effects, pitched and percussive loops, crescendos, ambient beds and more! “Perfect 10… so jampacked with exotic sonorities that they practically ooze out of the CD tray.” – Keyboard “If you’re looking for a fusion between a sample CD, a sound effects library and a very intense trip through some expensive outboard gear that appears to be on fire, check this one out.” – Sound on Sound

Pitched LoopsPercussive LoopsGroove Dimension LoopsTitanium Rhythms LoopsShort Loops CyclesCrescendosVocalEventsShort HitsLong HitsAnalog Synth HitsSustained Sounds: Static PitchSustained Sounds: Variable PitchSustained Sounds: LumpySustained Sounds: Low FrequencySustained Sounds: HomogenousSustained Sounds: NoiseData Conversions



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