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OverTone DSP 500 EQ and Dynamics V1.02PC/v1.0MAC均衡与动态包

EQ均衡 时尚音源网 187浏览 0评论

Digital EQ no longer has to sound digital. The EQ500 plug-in emulates all the desirable qualities of a professional analogue channel equalizer, while the elegantly simple design makes adding texture and colour – or taming problem frequencies – both intuitive and instinctive.

Styled as a virtual 500-series module, the EQ500 uses innovative analogue filter modelling to open up the response and accurately replicate the more natural sound of analogue designs, without additional latency or high CPU demand. More efficient use of CPU and system resources allows more plug-in instances in a typical audio workstation project.



下载价格: 人民币


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