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AudioThing Pong Glockenspiel v2.0 KONTAKT 玩具音效

效果音源 时尚音源网 1215浏览 0评论

Why use sticks when you can use ping pong balls? Pong Glockenspiel is a Kontakt Instrument made by recording a toy glockenspiel played with ping pong balls. Two velocity layers (hard and soft) are cross faded to have a smooth transition while the 3 round robin (repetitions samples) avoid the “machine gun” effect of sampled instruments. There are also included two ambient instruments, two synth pad instruments and two slowed down instruments crafted using the original samples.

AudioThing Pong Glockenspiel v2.0 KONTAKT

• 8 Kontakt Instruments (.nki)
• 3 Round Robin
• 2 Velocity Layer (cross faded)
• 110 Samples (44.1kHz / 24Bit)



下载价格: 人民币


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